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What is GOTS certificate?

If you are an eco-friendly shopper, the GOTS label on a product be significant to you. The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) is the worldwide leading textile processing standard for organic fibers. This certification provides credible assurance of responsible manufacturing with the least chemical inputs. Ultimately, it ensures quality organic fabric for end consumers. Any natural fiber product, including yarn, clothes, or home textiles, can be GOTS certified. In this article, we discuss the significance of the GOTS label and the important prerequisites products must meet to receive this certification.

The GOTS was created to meet the need for an internationally recognized standard including all organic fibers such as cotton, silk, wool, and bamboo. (It does not include leather products.) The aim of the standard is to make quality, sustainable textiles without harming the environment.

In 2002, four organizations got together to standardize the GOTS guidelines. The Organic Trade Association (OTA) of the United States and three other member organizations from Germany, the UK, and Japan comprise the core team.

To earn a GOTS label, every product must include a majority of organic natural fibers. There are two GOTS label grades, they are based on the percentage of organic fiber in the product:

  • GOTS Organic: Must contain at least 95 percent certified organic fibers.

  • GOTS Made with Organic: Must contain at least 70 percent certified organic fibers.

The remaining 5 to 30 percent of fibers in these products comprise recycled synthetic fibers such as polyester or regenerated fibers like lyocell. Recycled synthetic fibers are made with recovered industrial waste from landfills or waterbodies. Their production needs less water and fuel, compared to virgin synthetic fibers.

Regenerated fibers are made with natural materials such as wood cellulose. This cellulose undergoes a chemical manufacturing process, leading to fine regenerated fibers. The semi-synthetic fibers are neither natural like cotton or silk, nor synthetic like polyester.

GOTS products must not include more than 10 percent synthetic fibers, barring a few exceptions. Products like socks, leggings, and sportswear may contain 25 percent synthetic fibers. This is permitted to enhance the moisture-wicking abilities of the products.


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